
Showing posts from June, 2017

Constraints and Abuse of technology

Where there is expected growth, there is worry as well. The internet was a luxury to many, and helped develop businesses worldwide. The situation was far too comfortable for all concerned. Gradually things began to happen. Agents began to develop software that could harm systems and its operating systems were spread through the internet to unsuspecting users, who had to bear the brunt of malfunctions and disk failures. The same can not be ruled out with the wireless systems either. With the advent of wireless mobiles, the impact of its growth and use has been seen worldwide.

Wireless technology

The above statistics present a comfortable picture to growth on the national front. The same is the case with the United States, as Entner et al. (2005) acknowledges. He states that in the U. S, over the next 10 years, wireless technology will at the very least, create a further two to three million jobs (cumulatively adding $450 billion in GDP and $700 billion in consumer surplus). Furthermore, the technology is expected to provide cost savings to US businesses, estimated upwards of $600 billion.